September 21st 2024: World Marrow Donor Day & 10-year anniversary

#WMDD24, #WMDD #thankyoudonor #DonateMarrow #DonateCordBlood

World Marrow Donor Day (WMDD) is celebrated globally on the third Saturday of September. A unique day to thank the over 42 million volunteer donors from 57 countries who have signed up on the global registry as potential marrow or blood stem cells donors, for patients in need of a transplant, as well as the 800 thousand cord blood donors. Even so, all these donors represent only 0,5% of the global population.

This year marks the 10-year anniversary of World Marrow Donor Day!

The Hematology Department, the Public Cord Blood Bank of Crete (CBBC) and Blood Bank Department staff of University Hospital of Heraklion actively participate on this world day, yet again, on September 21st, with the aim to raise awareness at an even a greater number of volunteer marrow and cord blood donors with their own special message through CBBC’s social media and website.

Public CBBC works towards achieving an even greater number of cord blood donations, while aiming for donors with diverse genetic characteristics, in collaboration with the Haematology Department of the University Hospital of Heraklion Crete (PAGNI) and the Blood Bank Department (PAGNI). The Hematology Dpt. also operates as a Collection Center for Crete.

During the last 4 years, an overall 39 collections of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have taken place and have been used in transplantations for patients with hematological diseases

On September 21st, we take the opportunity to thank volunteer donors and cord blood donors for the gift of life they offer those in need, and we aim to further enrich the National and International Registry with voluntary donors, especially for patients from areas like Crete, with high genetic diversity.

On September 21st #DonateMarrow #DonateCordBlood !

To find out more about the global campaign visit WMDA, and WMDD (World Marrow Donor Day) 

Find out more about (EOM) National Registry of HSCs and CBUs

Follow Public CBBC
Facebook  platform X (Twitter) @PublicCBBC  YouTube Cord Blood Bank Crete

For general information contact Public CBBC: Tel: +30 2810-394726
Mobile: +30 6930847253
For press – media enquiries and interviews:

Staff of Hematology Clinic and Blood Donation PAGNI

Staff of the PAGNI Hematology Clinic together with the Director Prof. Helen Papadaki

Staff of Cord Blood Bank of Crete together with the Director Prof. Helen Papadaki

The Dean and Professor of Hematology at the Medical School of the University of Crete,
Director of the PAGNI Hematology Clinic and Cord Blood Bank of Crete

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